Game Info

LML+ there is no registration. We do need a head count for attendance, email here or invite yourself on the facebook event page created.

Send email to-

You will get tulips and the ship will set sail from the Walmart lot at 8AM.

Something more than just a bike race- FUNDRAISER.

Fundraiser history- Year 1 we raised $1300 for a young man in need. Year 2 we generated 400 lbs of food and $ for local food shelf. Year 3 the raiser brought in more than $2000 for a beautiful woman fighting cancer. Year 4 (last year) we rallied with the Bauers in support of Jason and his fight... Year 5 was cancer awareness and fund support to a single Mom.

Ethos: You are responsible for you. If you get stuck in one spot, you gotta get yourself out of it. Bring a phone, straight key for an SOS, or sky flares.

NOTE: The course will not be the same as last year. So disregard your bootleg GPS map. You rely on it, and it will cheat you.

THANKS TO MILLTOWN CYCLES & HARRY'S CAFE for their continued support!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Stoke Coffee Roasters- In.

Local (Northfield) startup roaster Stoke Coffee is stepping up to add to the mix of this race.

Local brew and beans would make for a great Christmas stocking or camelback stuffer...

FYI- you may know or have been passed by Stoke Coffee owner and 'fast guy' Cody Larson. I still recall getting lapped by him at a cyclocross race. I haven't done a cx race since...

NOTE- 50+ people signed up for the race in the first week. Race is capped at 100 +/- people unless you are a previous participant or IOU.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Registration is OPEN

I have time on my hands allowing me to get organized. Thus, registration is now open.

Send email, wait for reply.

If your iffy, don't bother signing up, I don't have that much time to waste...

The fundraiser has not been finalized yet... But expect something for good again.

Go ride (for me).

Maybe one day Mother Nature will allow the route to go here...

Friday, September 18, 2015

March 26, 2016- Save the Date

Planning on version 4.0 for 3-26-16.

Plan on a similar drill, but bring your catchers mitt for a few curve balls.

NOTE- NOT TAKING REGISTRATION YET. Expect it sometime around first of year...Unless I get more organized, sign up will again be via email with confirmation.

The beginning and the end... {courtesy of TMB Photo}

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

'n iowa' Gravel Series- Finale

So, I had this idea to put a series together. 3 worthy gravel races in the sticks of north iowa. With conditions that are always questionable. At a time before the mountain bike trails are open and most normal bike races are even considered.

To be calculated, you must have ridden 2 of 3 races.

Dudes in spandex riding around in the country-
1 Schad 288
2 Carroll 246
Wilson, D
5 Mailen 196
6 Sauber 183
7 Karnopp 179
8 Gaffke 176
9 Loosen 174
10 Johnsen!/ Cluse - 8 167
11 Stinson (Tommy?) 163
12 St Pierre 160
13 Carlton 151
14 Hout- SPH! 151
15 Roeser 151
16 Pramann 151
17 Kvittem 148
18 Shupe 142
19 Tweed 140
20 Carlson, V 139
21 Warrington, M- SPH! 138
22 Swanson, D 132
23 Swenson, B 128
24 Carlson, M 120
25 Giesen- SPH! 117
26 Warrington, L- SPH! 116
27 Hey 113
28 Raygor 110
29 Perez - 8 105
30 Nickles - 8 98
31 Bushendorf - 8 98
32 Hau 94
35 Karow - 8 73
36 Haberman -8 73
37 Peterson, D 69
38 Stuckman  67
39 Koppi-Kahn 39
40 Shepherd 31
** I messed up, missed Sobota, Heide, good work.

1 Hunter 199
2 Barr 197
3 Langum 196
4 Rambow 191
5 Larson, M 190
6 Sansome 100
7 Morgan 100
8 Rice 98
9 Vold 97
10 Jansen 97
11 Heely 96
12 Gruhn 95
13 Hines 94
14 Moebeck 93

I'll be carrying this box of stuff swag around until it's gone. If your on this list make sure you take something when you spot me...
Don't make me keep this stuff...
 NOTE- if I missed you in the tally, you can still take something from the box...

Monday, April 13, 2015

'n iowa' Gravel Series- Update

For those that know, those that want to know, and those looking for a target...

My math is good (I think), and it helps I'm not in first place...

The Dickie Scramble will decide it all... I bet Mr Wilson will still let you in...

All ties go to Ragnarok finish.

I've taken the liberty to award 100 points to each SPH'er in attendance that didn't race Ragnarök. Your all still in the medals and have a target for April 25th... ha.

Winners. Aren't we all? I have a box of leftover swag swap I'll be trying to get rid of...

Guys in lacra riding roads-
1 Schad 190
2 Sauber 183
3 Carroll 157
4 Huot- SPH! 151
5 Roeser 151
6 Pramann 151
7 Carlson, V 139
8 Warrington, M- SPH! 138
9 Carlson, M 120
10 Giesen- SPH! 117
11 Warrington, L- SPH! 116
12 Johnsen!/ Cluse 111
13 Raygor 110
14 Bellew 100
15 Wilson, D 100
16 Swenson, B 100
17 Mailen 99
18 Skarpohl 99
19 Nickles 98
20 Bushendorf 98
21 Riley 98
22 Lalonde 97
23 Bauer 97
24 Elson 96
25 Welch 96
26 Schotz 95
27 Perna 95
28 Hau 94
29 Buchanan 94
30 Stukel  93
31 Minier 93
32 Hippen 91
33 Sobota 90
34 Hogland 90
35 Shupe 89
36 Kvittem 89
37 Abel 88
38 Sagel 88
39 Nygard 87
40 Perez 78
41 Haberman 73
42 Benton 71
43 Karow  70
44 Stuckman  67
45 Koppi-Kahn 39
46 Shepherd 31

Note- Summed for all that have completed both. Complete 1 race, only had time to tally up to 13 place. After the D Scramble I'll 'attempt' to sum all that have done 2 of 3 races.

1              Hunter 199
2              Langum 196
3              Larson, M 190
4             Sansome 100
5             Barr 98
6             Vold 97
7            Rambow 96
8            Gruhn 95

{token pic} A reason why we ride gravel... Randomness.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Race Wrap Up/ MANY THANKS!

Again, THANK YOU RACERS, for your generosity and enjoying all things bike.

Rally at Harry's Cafe...

THANKS VOLUNTEERS (registration/ race non-officials): Anna, Angela, Stoener, Jimmmay, Eddy, Lisa, & Chopper. And much 'THANKS' to my race organizer partner/ wife Dawn she has a knack for this sort of stuff...

A special 'THANKS' to Jana Bell and the Bell family... You are an inspiration of courage.

THANKS TO HARRY'S CAFE: Harry and staff, much appreciated. This wouldn't be what it is without your support. The post race eats/ drinks/ social were excellent.

THANK YOU MILLTOWN CYCLES: Travis, Todd, & Volunteers. Your support makes this event unique and a great way to break up a gravel grind (death march too some) in questionable conditions.

THANK YOU TODD BAUER PHOTOGRAPHY & HOLLYWOOD (network skillz). People check out the pics, purchase at will...  Todd Bauer Photo Link

Hope your warmed up... 85 miles to go.

Note- results on last post are as official as this race is going to get...

Note 2- Ragnarok and Dickie Scramble officials agreed to make our 3 events a series. 100pts to winner,  down to 1pt for 100th place. Tie breaker is where you finished in the 'Queen Stage' of all things gravel (Ragnarok). Will use this site to tally score.

We need a name for this 3 race gravel deal? Suggestions?

or just call it the '3 Race Gravel Deal...' [ha]

Last- next year will do the LML loop backwards/ the real forward.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Good day for a kick in the pants/ Preliminary Results:

First- You cycling hacks raised $2155 for Jana Bell. THANK YOU. YOU EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW.

Second- If you got lost, why? [don't blame me]

Third- 103 starters at 8:15 AM, after a drive to N Iowa. Nice...

{UPDATED 3-29-15}
Third- [preliminary] Results:
Winner winner... Drew Wilson {time ~4:25}, 2. Skarpohl, 3. Riley [SPH], 4. Bauer [T6], 5. Welch, 6. Perna, 7. Buchanan, 8. Minier, 9. Schad, 10. Me/ but do I count?, 11. Hogland [where was CJ?], 12. Kvittem [no broken bones this time...], 13. Sagel [did you attack?], 14. Harrison, 15. Carrol, 16. Talerico 17. Carlson Van the Man, 18. Gaffke, 19. Rosane, 20. Pramann [T. A.N. Man], 21. Laux, 22. Dalal, 23. Roeser, 24. Hest, 25. Sandberg [only wanted 40mi but went for 85mi], 26. Kuster, 27. Schow, 28. Vanderwoude [thanks for the pulls], 29. Tweed, 30. Sobota, 31. Shupe, 32. Heide [thanks.], 33. Delaney, 34. Anderson C., 35. Hunter Melissa, Woman's Winner Winner, 36. Englund, 37. Carlson [Wilco], 38. Mansur, 39. Bush!, 40. Johnsen!!!, 41. Abel, 42. Raygor, 43. Vandelvelde [super star], 44. Schwantes, 45. Anderson B., 46. Hinkens [Young Jack!], 47. Rasmussen, 48. Nickles Rocket, 49. Sloma, 50. Huot {SPH}, 51. Benton {he's crazy Ladies...}, 52. Schneider [skinny master], 53. Lien, 54. Perez [Jose!!!], Swenson, 55. Carlton, 56. Nygard, 57. Former Ex President of Team Ricoh/ Farm Team Double Agent, 58. STH!. 59. Edens, 60. Stuckman, 61. Kjeer!!!, 62. Warrington [SPH!] 63. The Stairmaster/ Mr. Ed Karow, 64. Langum [2nd lady], 65. Scrappy Thompson [3rd lady], 66. Peterson D, 67. Peterson C, 68. Flanders, 69. Finch!. 70. Cousin Jay, 71. Velo. 72. Krizek, 73. Vold [4th lady/ first overall fatbike], 74. Raymond, 75. Kenney, 76. Peterson A [SPH!], 77. Chittineni, 78. Snyder, 79. Schuetz, 80. Larson Mara [ 5th lady], 81. Shepherd [Bob!], 82. Marx Machine., 83. Geisen [SPH!], 84. Warrington [SPH!], 85. Green Hornet., 86. KG, 87. Kroulik

Two 3's facing each other equal?

Per Jim, the 'incomplete's':
Halstrom, Hollywood, Norrie {you finished right?}, MotoYoung, Meulebroeck, ? Pete, Andert, Middelstaedt, Mr Witt, Mr Larson, Anikin, Mclagan, Brager, Bailey {thanks for fessing up}

Not accounted for (still out there?): Pease, Ventecher, Zimmerman

So what am I missing?

Send me a signal within 20 hours or it is in cement.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ready or not... It's on.

Reminder tomorrow the ship sets sail at 8AM.

What do you mean?

Last minute FAQ's-

  • Registration 6:30-8AM. 
  • Check in at Milltown, to refuel (bacon, donuts, water, helping hand) and get second set of tulips
  • Milltown suggested swinging in through the back door/ alley to check in.
  • The roads are good.
  • The bootleg trails are out. [sad face]
  • BUT you wont get cheated.
  • Suggested donation to Jana's cause is $20+.
  • 3 climbs to nowhere
  • The blue fence on Farmer Trail isn't fence at all... 8
  • Race donation $5-10.
  • Swag Swap- bring it to donate before we leave, pick up what you like at the finish.
  • We have 122 people committed to set sail in the morning...
  • All late registrants... You know what you need to do... 
After the race, stick around Harry's for some social and great eats/ drinks. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Last Minute Race Details

The ship will set sail as close to 8AM as possible. I repeat the ship sets sail as close to 8AM as possible.

Other details:

  • Park in the Walmart overflow lot
  • Register inside Harry's Cafe (starts at 6:30AM until 8AM)
  • Swag Swap- Bring your new in box or 'slightly' used bike parts to trade or donate. NO JUNK or worn out bike parts/ crap you would just throw out.
  • Fundraiser- We are raising awareness and funds to contribute to the fight against cancer and Jana's story.
  • Tulips- You will get a sheet at the start to get to Milltown, and a sheet at Milltown to get back to Harry's.
  • Conditions- Expect 85 miles, 6,000' of climbing. I may have to reroute some good stuff if the snow doesn't melt/ dry out by Friday. I'll post something Friday night on conditions.
  • 3 Climbs to Nowhere/ Knowhere. 1 on out leg, 2 on return leg. What is that? Show up to find out.
  • Check in at Milltown, enjoy some bacon off the grill, donuts, and Milltown hospitality. 
  • Donations- This race costs me $5-10 per person, donations of that amount appreciated, any more than that should go to Jana, a beer at Harry's, or a tube from Milltown.
  • After the race don't bail too quickly. Enjoy the scratch kitchen at Harry's, superb. 
Expect another crooked finish...
NOTE- any last minute requests to enter the race have one hard condition/ if you want to race you are required to attack off the front.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jana's Story

[more than just a bike race]

On August 18th, 2012 Jana found out that she had an aggressive form of breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes.

After 27 months of treatment, rounds and rounds of chemo and radiation, a mastectomy, LVA bypass microscopic surgery, another surgery to remove a mass and reconstructive surgery, lab errors and burns from treatment, the cancer has now spread. She has cancer in her breasts, bones, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, neck, arm, and 3 large tumors by her heart. Jana, the young mother of a beautiful 10 year old daughter, is terminal.

Jana's daughters name is Gracie.

Cancer Sucks.

Contribute what you are able...

Enjoy riding/ racing a bike.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Race Roster

Roster closed but still waiting on a few usual suspects...

The List-
Aguirre, Anderson B, Anderson C, Andert, Anikin, Bailey, Baker, Bauer, Bell ?, Benton (Crazy), Buchanan, Bushendorf, Carlson W, Carlson V, Carlton, Carrol, Chittineni, Delaney, Jack., Edens, Endres, Englund, Evans, Finch! (fatbike Champ), Flanders, Gaffke, Giddings, Giesen, KG, Haan, Habs, Halstrom, Harris, Heide, Heisler, Henderson, Hest, Hinkens, Hoglund, Hunter, Hout, Johnson J, Johnsen!, Stairmaster, Kenney, Kjeer, Koppi-Kohn, Kroulik, Kvittem, Langum, Larson FD, Larson M, Larson M, Laux, Lien, Lindberg, Mansfield, Mansur, Marx Machine, Mattner, Mclagan, Menti, Meulebroeck, Minier, #1?, Nickles, Norrie, Oney, Pease, Perez, Perna, Petersen A, Petersen C, Peterson D, Peterson J, Pramann, Rasmussen, Raygor, Riley, Roeser, Rosane, Ross, Schad, Schneider, Schow, Schuetz, Schwantes, Schweim, Shepherd, Shupe, Skarpohl, Sloma, Snyder, Sobota, Stanke, le Goat, Stuckman, Swenson, Talerico, Tan, Thompson, Tinucci, Tri, Tweed, JVHorn, Venteicher, Warrington L, Warrington M, Red Squrel, Welch, Wilson D (former Champ), Wilson S, Winston, Witt (representing current Champ), MotoYoung (former fatbike champ), Ziemer

Get to this spot you can stop and have a picnic.

The Gauntlet that leads to spot above.

Go ride-

Note- there is no more fatbike class. fatbike hype never took off like we thought it would...

Friday, March 6, 2015

March is here/ Keyser Soze

So are you prepared for what Mother Nature is going to bring on the 28th?

Down to the final 10 roster spots unless you are a usual suspect...

The first 2 editions, conditions couldn't have been better.

Year 1-

Year 2-

Couple more frequently asked questions-

  • What is the fundraiser? This year we are attempting to raise awareness about how much cancer sucks and raise funds for a beautiful young lady with LCR connections. We all have ties to cancer, contribute what you are able...
  • How long/ route? A tad longer/ 85miles. Expect CCW direction again/ 3 climbs going knowhere...
  • Harry's Cafe? The best scratch kitchen this side of north iowa.
  • Where to park? Again, use the overflow lot at Walmart adjacent to Harry's.
  • Race donation? The way I run this it costs me $5-10 per racer. Donations appreciated but I wont go broke.
  • Race will start as close to 8AM as possible. 8 is always the number.
  • Still waiting on a few usual suspects to send me their email proclaiming 'in'.
  • Go wreck your bikes in the slop for practice. Take them into Milltown, Behind Bars, or Hollywood for some pre-race love only to hit repeat.

somebody share this on the Facebooks...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Update/ FAQ's/ Seeking Race Day Photographer

The roster is half full. Send email with your intent to show and partake.

The most asked question's...

Route changes?

Climb to know/ nowhere?

What is the fundraiser?

Answer- Yes. Don't rely on bootleg GPS routes.

Answer- Yes. Plan on climbing some gravel and at the top retreating. The best is when you catch your LCR guys skipping it and cursing my name.

Answer- Fundraiser is yet to be finalized, but cancer sucks big time and this one is a tough pill. So if you have an extra special hatred for cancer and are looking to do good, here is a shot.

REQUEST- If you don't want to race/ ride but enjoy taking photos of others in suffering, we are seeking a Photographer to take over where Chris Gibbs/ C5 Photography left off... Your gas will be comp'd. Get ahold of me if interested.

Couple teasers from last year-





Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ding Ding...

Registration is alive...

Crooked finish you say??? 

NOTE- go to the web/ non-phone version for registration details. Facebooks likes and comments don't count.