Game Info

LML+ there is no registration. We do need a head count for attendance, email here or invite yourself on the facebook event page created.

Send email to-

You will get tulips and the ship will set sail from the Walmart lot at 8AM.

Something more than just a bike race- FUNDRAISER.

Fundraiser history- Year 1 we raised $1300 for a young man in need. Year 2 we generated 400 lbs of food and $ for local food shelf. Year 3 the raiser brought in more than $2000 for a beautiful woman fighting cancer. Year 4 (last year) we rallied with the Bauers in support of Jason and his fight... Year 5 was cancer awareness and fund support to a single Mom.

Ethos: You are responsible for you. If you get stuck in one spot, you gotta get yourself out of it. Bring a phone, straight key for an SOS, or sky flares.

NOTE: The course will not be the same as last year. So disregard your bootleg GPS map. You rely on it, and it will cheat you.

THANKS TO MILLTOWN CYCLES & HARRY'S CAFE for their continued support!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Last Call, Let's Race

Points that can cause confusion:
- Registration 6:30-8AM, ship sails at 8:15AM
- Park at Walmart overflow lot adjacent to Harry's
- RAFFLE, sweet prizes, $5/ ticket, $20/ 5 tickets
- SWAG SWAP- Bring something to donate to the race, and take a prize as you finish. NO JUNK
- RACE DONATION- $10 donation will cover overhead costs to put this on. A jar will be at registration. 'THANKS'
- T6 T-SHIRT... We'll be taking a one time order for t-shirts to place after the race. Proceeds from the shirt go to the Bauer's fight.

T6 T-shirt badge- can be ordered

- You will be provided the tulip notes (1 sheet) at registration and check in at Milltown
- Climb's to nowhere and knowhere? You'll find out...
- Make sure you check in at Milltown, even if you bail out, call them.
- You are responsible for you. If you get in a jam, you have to get yourself out of it. Don't call me, I will be racing.

- What else-
Tire selection?- your call, at some point every tire out there will be good. Bike selection?- see previous answer. Keep your shenanigan's a mystery. Water at check point?- yes indeed, and bacon to boot. Restrooms?- for extended visits Walmart accommodations work best. Fat bike class?- nope. SS class?- depends. Expect ~5000' vertical, THANK MILLTOWN FOR THEIR SUPPORT. After race/ awards?- at Harry's, stick around and enjoy the best scratch kitchen dining north of the real Iowa.

Race 2 of 3 for the north iowa Gravel Championships. See Ragnarök results for race 1. 

Jack White sings it best in Lazaretto; 'I dig ditches like the best of em! Yo trabajo duro! Como en madera y yeso!'